SEQUENCE – Aria Breath Website Intro Video_V2 – Vocal enhancements.00_07_25_15.Still001.png

Breathing never looked so good

Let beauty be your guide…

Explore animations

A new way to pace yourself

The Aria Animations library adds a whole new dimension to your breath-pacing practice.

The visual meditations inside Aria Breath flow and guide, swell and shrink, rise and fall, and constantly challenge you to pace your breath in new, engaging ways with accompaniment of stunning visuals. Whether you’re new to breathwork or experienced, these visual guides provide a gentle, consistent pace to keep you grounded and engaged.

Each animation is crafted to sync perfectly with the music to help you create deep, slow breaths – helping you tune into your own rhythm and gain more control over your breathing.

Watch and learn

Animations make it easy to find and follow a naturally slower rhythm for breathing – guiding you to relax, focus, and connect with each breath.

By simply following the flow on screen, distractions fade away as you sink into a steady pace. Music makes breathwork accessible anytime, anywhere but visual meditations are a truly special treat for when you want to get deeply absorbed with a multi-sensory experience!

Each animation is accompanied by a piece of music chosen specifically to match beautifully with the moving images.


All of our animations are different and unique – created in collaboration with a small, hand-selected group of the most talented visual artists working in the wellbeing and consciousness space and digitally composited by Tom.

Let each session be a journey

Breathe with hypnotically relaxing, mind-bending visuals

Inspired by nature’s rhythms

We use the latest in high-end animation technology to create our visuals... But we find our starting inspiration from the natural world around us and inside us…


The Benefits of practicing slower breathing…

As you watch and breathe you will unlock body-wide benefits during every session, including:

  • Improved Oxygenation: Despite the logical assumption that faster breathing should lead to more oxygen being delivered, in fact, slower breathing actually improves oxygen delivery to your cells due to a phenomenon called the "Bohr effect" (more on that later!).

  • Increased Blood Flow: Because CO2 in the bloodstream causes vasodilation, breathing slowly and keeping more CO2 on the inside, leads to optimal blood flow – delivering nutrients throughout your body.

  • Optimised Blood Pressure: Slow, diaphragmatic breathing leads to more finely tuned baroreceptors above the heart (the special sensors that measure your blood pressure) – improving the sensitivity of these receptors helps your body to support optimal blood pressure. This is especially true after you are comfortable to slow down to 8 breaths per minute and lower.

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: The meditative aspect of syncing your breath with music can improve focus, mindfulness, and mental clarity, but this is further supported by increased blood flow and oxygenation in the brain caused by increased CO2.

  • Reduced anxiety: The deliberate slowing of your breath activates the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering a state of deep relaxation and a sense of well-being. This is especially apparent once you reach 6 breaths per minute!

  • Increased Resilience: By aligning your breathing with the calming influence of music and increasing CO2 tolerance, you may begin to notice lower anxiety levels and enhanced resilience to stress… but remember, the process itself may not feel relaxing to begin with!

Ready to get started?


Want to know more?

Watch the mini-documentary “Breathe-In Harmony” to find out why music matters…